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Ithaca Interview Rubric
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Interview : Ithaca Interviews

Teacher Name: Ms. Vandigriff

Student Name:     ________________________________________








Before the interview, the student prepared several in-depth AND factual questions to ask.

Before the interview, the student prepared a couple of in-depth questions and several factual questions to ask.

Before the interview, the student prepared several factual questions to ask.

The student did not prepare any questions before the interview.

Follow-up Questions

The student listened carefully to the person being interviewed and asked several relevant follow-up questions based on what the person said.

The student listened carefully to the person being interviewed and asked a couple of relevant follow-up questions based on what the person said.

The student asked a couple of follow-up questions based on what s/he thought the person said.

The student did not ask any follow-up questions based on what the person said.

Report Writing

The report is well organized and contains accurate quotations and facts taken from the interview.

The report is well organized and contains accurate facts taken from the interview.

The report contains accurate quotations and facts taken from the interview.

The report is lacking facts and quotations from the interview OR the quotes and facts are not accurately reported.


Student never interrupted or hurried the person being interviewed and thanked them for being willing to be interviewed.

Student rarely interrupted or hurried the person being interviewed and thanked them for being willing to be interviewed.

Student rarely interrupted or hurried the person being interviewed, but forgot to thank the person.

Several times, the student interrupted or hurried the person being interviewed AND forgot to thank the person.

Formatting & Editing

The student edited and organized the transcript in a way that made the information clear and interesting.

The student edited and organized the transcript in a way that made the information clear.

The student edited and organized the transcript but the information was not as clear or as interesting as it could have been.

The student did NOT edit or organize the transcript.


Date Created: Oct 17, 2006 08:59 am (CDT)


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